Заканчивается срок подачи Заявок на 2-ой женский чемпионат мира по воздухоплаванию (тепловые аэростаты).

Dear Pilots,
We would like to pay your attention that this is the last week to send ACCEPTANCE OF
INVITATION TO TAKE PART in 2nd FAI World Women’s Hot Air Balloons Championship
in Birstonas Lithuania.
 ACCEPTANCE OF INVITATION TO TAKE PART form` must be received by 30th January 2016
 by email to the address indicated 2womenworlds2016@gmail.com.

The invitation procedure is described in the accompanying letter which is also published on the
 On the website you will find info about accommodation.
 If you need any information please contact us via email: 2womenworlds2016@gmail.com.