Map of the covered regions of Russia

List of regional branches of Balloon Federation of Russia

 word Regulation on regional offices of Balloon Federation of Russia -2009

word Recommendations on information activities of the branches of Balloon Federation of Russia


word The procedure for conducting of a state accreditation for regional public organizations or structural subdivisions (regional branches) of the All-Russian Sports Federation in order to give them the status of regional sports federations

word Letter of the Ministry of Sports of PC-01-10 / 6807 of 11/06/2014 (about recommended samples of documents)

Recommended samples of documents:

  Application for the state registration

 List of persons being participants of organization

 Information on personnel of governing body

 Document confirming participation of organization in all-Russian sports federation

 Coordination of the All-Russian Sports Federation for state accreditation of a regional public organization or a structural unit (regional branch) of the All-Russian Sports Federation

 Notification of the permanent governing body of the All-Russian Sports Federation that the regional office is a structural unit of the All-Russian Sports Federation

 Application for the issuance of documents on state accreditation in connection with the change of address (location) of the All-Russian or regional sports accredited federation

 Application for issuance of a document on state accreditation in connection with the change in the name of an all-Russian or regional accredited sports federation