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FAI Secretary General сменится с 30 ноября 2013 г.

жан мар баданГенеральный Секретарь FAI Jean-Marc Badan уходит с должности с 30 ноября. Он занимал ее с 2011 года, а в системе Международной авиационной федерации успешно работал с 2002 года. Как отметил президент ФАИ Джон Грубстром, Жан-Марк Бадан работал хорошо, под его руководством решены ряд сложных вопросов, в том числе кадровых.

Как сообщает пресс-служба ФАИ, «Badan started working for the FAI in 2002, first as Promotional Manager and then as Sports and Development Director. He successfully led the FAI Head Office as Secretary General since 2011, working hard at the development and the efficient running of the Federation. His achievements during his two-year tenure include, amongst other projects, his involvement in the creation of FAME, the FAI Air Sports Marketing and Events, the conclusion and development of the partnership with FAI Global Partner Breitling and the reorganisation of the staffing at the FAI Head Office.

“Jean-Marc Badan has served the FAI well. A number of complicated issues were successfully solved under his leadership. I wish him all the best for his future plans and I thank him warmly for his contributions,” FAI President John Grubbström stated. “We are now looking for his replacement with an open mind. Our federation is complex and has worldwide activities to promote all air sports. We are looking for a Secretary General who shares our vision and values and who is able to deliver both in administrative and developmental areas for the decades to come.”

Отметим, что FAI – Fédération Aéronautique Internationale – объединяет национальные спортивные комитеты авиационных видов спорта разных стран мира. Федерация воздухоплавания России (ФВР) членствует в ФАИ через Федерацию авиационных видов спорта России (ФАС). Воздухоплавательный спорт в ФАИ курирует Воздухоплавательная комиссия ФАИ (CIA FAI).

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