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актуально до 17 марта 2015 г.

Dear Balloonist,
Every year the CIA’s Competitor’s Subcommittee releases a survey to get valuable feedback from balloonists who are actively involved in competition.
This year’s survey covers several topics including Safety, World Championship Issues, Rules & Scoring, and general competition issues.  If you are not a competitor but wish to answer the survey as an official, please indicate you are an official in question 2.
Below is a link to the 2015 Survey.  This survey will be active for 3 weeks and will close on March 17th, 2015 .  Please take a few minutes to complete the survey – your feedback is very important for improving competition.
Delegates and other NAC representatives:  Please forward this email to competitors in your country so they may complete the survey before the deadline.

On behalf of the Competitor’s Subcommittee, thank you for your help to improve balloon competition.
Best regards,
Andrew Baird
Competitor’s Sub-Committee
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