«Balloon Federation of Russia» non-governmental organization

Postal address: 125424, Moscow, 88 Volokolamskoe Shosse, block
8, ofce 225
Tel/fax: +7 495 491 74 33
Сorporate details:
Legal address: 125424, Moscow, 88 Volokolamskoe
INN 5008004599
KPP 773301001
OGRN 1027739010694
OKPO 00071230
OKONH 96120
OKVED 65.12
Bank account of Balloon Federation:
Operating account
Correspondent account
BIC: 044525225 in Sberbank
Member’s subscription for year 2018:
Individuals — 1000 Rubles
Legal entities — 3000 Rubles
Contacts for Mass Media:
Executive secretary of Balloon Federation:
Talanova Vera Grigor’evna
Media office, photo-video office:
Ryabtsev Nikolay Sergeevich
tel: +7 926 203 12 59,